Support CFI Libraries

Donations to the Center for Inquiry Libraries

The Center for Inquiry Libraries are a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt charitable organization. We are pleased to accept gifts of materials to add to our holdings. Where possible, donors are encouraged to supplement their gifts with companion sums in order to defray the cost of cataloging and maintaining the materials. The CFI Libraries are academic research libraries that are chartered to disseminate information. With this in mind, it is the policy of the CFI Libraries to accept or decline any gift based on the following criteria:

Restricted Gifts

The CFI Libraries may or may not accept restricted gifts (i.e. materials that are to remain segregated from other materials, materials that the Libraries are obligated to retain, etc.) because any restrictions placed on these materials may contradict the Libraries’ mission. The Director will evaluate any proposed restricted gift and judge whether the gift will be accepted.

Unrestricted Gifts

The CFI Libraries may accept any gift as long as the following policies are followed:

1. The Libraries are not obligated to retain any gifts that do not fit the normal selection criteria

  • materials must be in good physical condition
  • materials should fit into the Libraries’ subject categories
  • materials should not be duplicates of materials already in hand

2. The Libraries have the right to sell, or hire someone to sell, materials that are donated. Any proceeds from said sales will be put back into library funds and used as determined by the Director.

3. Duplicate materials may be sold or donated to other CFI Libraries worldwide.


All donations of books and other library materials will receive a written acknowledgment. This acknowledgment will usually be sent at the close of the calendar year, but may be sent any time upon receipt of these items. This written acknowledgment may include the title, author, publisher, publication date, and library location, may just be a “receipt” (a count of materials broken down by type).

The Libraries will use a standard bookplate or (in some instances) a bookplate provided by the donor attached to the materials. In other circumstances, if there is enough material donated, we may create a special bookplate for acknowledging your gift.


Under Federal Law, the CFI Libraries cannot provide appraisals of materials for income tax purposes. If the donor desires an appraisal, a disinterested third party appraiser will be hired at the donor’s expense. The Libraries may provide a list of appraisers if requested by the donor.